
Thank you for your interest in my work. I do my best to respond promptly to all requests that are sent to me.

If you would like a quick response, the best way to contact me is by email ([email protected]), SMS (+1 514-260-7589), or LinkedIn chat (jnreyt). I am rarely able to answer phone calls unless they are scheduled in advance.

Former Students

If you are a former student requiring a reference letter, a notice period of at least two weeks is needed. Prior to agreeing to write a letter, it is my policy to meet with students to better understand their recent accomplishments and aspirations. This interaction allows me to represent you as accurately and advantageously as possible.

Prospective Students

To prospective students desiring to work with me, a few opportunities still available. Please do not hesitate to send me an email detailing the following:

  1. Your current academic program.
  2. The objectives you hope to achieve from our collaboration.
  3. An overview of your financial situation.

Mailing Address

Jean-Nicolas Reyt
McGill Desautels
Bronfman #319
1001 Sherbrooke Street West,
Montreal, QC H3A 1G5,